Individual Development

ICF GoodWill Coaching and Mentoring Program

To become an internationally recognized coach by obtaining a certificate in our Coaching Program approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF). To progress through the accreditation process, our 5 Module training, which lasts 18 days, must be completed.

Individual Coaching

Are you, like many others, living someone else’s truth? Or do you not know what you want to do in your life or maybe have difficulty in managing it? Coaching gives you the opportunity to develop solutions to many of your problems and enrich your life.

Executive Coaching

The most important investment for companies is their employees. Effective leaders adopt the “learning organizations” model that will reveal human potential in their organizations. Research shows that coaching activities create 5-7 times improvement compared to the initial level.


The mentoring system is based on a formal relationship established between employees who have high leadership potential within the company and are likely to work at critical positions in the company in the future, and the current senior managers of the company.

Self-Assessment Inventory

Change and the need to manage change will always exist. Change management requires identifying and focusing talent, as well as seeing risks and opportunities. Every person has versatile abilities.