Leader and Team Coach, Consultant, Trainer
After graduating from FMV Özel Işık Lisesi Nişantaşı in 1989, she graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Business Administration (ENG) in 1993. She started her professional life in 1994 in Koç Holding Management Information Systems Group, as a part of the team responsible for the activity based management and cost management projects based on the activity and process analysis.
In 1997, she joined HP Turkey as Consumer and Commercial Product Group Marketing, Communication and Public Relations Manager. In 2001, she started working as Marketing and Communication Manager in the Global e-Government team as one of the first people joining WW teams from HP Turkey. As of 2002 she has taken the Manufacturing & Distribution and Telecommunication Industry Solutions Strategic Marketing and Communication Management role for 99 countries in CEE and MEMA regions for about 5 years, and then Corporate and SME Marketing Communication Regional Management role in the same region for the following 1.5 years,.
After working 2.5 years in HP Turkey Corporate Marketing, Public Relations and Corporate Communication Manager position starting 2008, she moved to Software Marketing Director position for MEMA region and worked there until 2013. During her professional life, she aimed to contribute to the development of her colleagues and teams and supported them in strengthening their leadership potential with team spirit, creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation values.
In 2011, she completed her Coaching Certificate Program at one of the ICF leading coaching schools and she started working as the internal coach in HP Turkey, as well as coaching middle and executive managers in different companies.
In 2012, after completing Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC-CRR GLOBAL) and Team Coaching Intensive (TCI) programs, she receieved the Team Diagnostic Authorized Facilitator title from TCI for Turkey and besides individual coaching she started relationship management and team coaching. Meanwhile she is one of the consultants at Valupa Consultancy Services Company as Business Development Manager.
As of 2015, she became founder of Per Aura Coaching and Consulting company specializing in executive and team coaching and corporate trainings. Besides trying to suport more and more people by using her own internal journey by the Relationship Systems and Management Coach, Consultant and Trainer role, she aims to increase the productivity and employee engagement at companies using the experience she’d gained in Business Development, sales, marketing and communication areas, at local and international companies she worked for. She is the founder of ICF accrediated GoodWill Coaching School since 2019.
She has a Master degree from Clinical Psichology and she is an ICF and EMCC member and accredited coach.